Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
In science and technology, students explore the natural and made worlds. They learn how to apply scientific and technological skills, knowledge and understanding across a broad range of contexts.
Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real world problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.
The school is fully networked and all classes have access to the Internet from the classrooms. Our school also has access to a wireless network. Earlwood Public School has eight laptop trolleys with a minimum of fifteen laptops in each trolley. This provides teachers with the opportunity to use laptops in their classroom with one computer between two students. All classrooms have at least two windows computers. Students have access to a wide range of software and online tools that complement, reinforce and extend classroom work. Our school has interactive whiteboards in all classrooms which teachers use to engage their students in purposeful teaching and learning.
Coding and robotics has also been introduced to our students to support computational thinking skills that involve formulating a problem and creating solutions which may also prepare our students to be successful in their future careers.

Computer room
The Computer Laboratory(lab) is a mixed platform learning space with 15 networked Macintosh computers, 6 iPads, 7 windows laptops and 7 windows desktops. The mixed platform computer lab teaches students the fundamentals of different digital devices giving the students a sound understanding and experience in using a different computer platforms. The great advantage for our students is that once they reach high school they have had experience with both PC and Macs. Giving them a basic understanding on how to use both no matter what platform the high school prefers. All students, Years 2- 6, have a 1 hour lesson in the computer laboratory each week. The weekly computer lesson are integrated with other curriculum areas as technology is part of all curriculum teaching and learning programs.The main advantages of the computer room are to:
- provide increased hands on experience for students Year 2 to Year 6.
- facilitate equitable use of computer facilities.
- provide an efficient means of introducing and practicing new skills.
- give our students confidence in using a computer independently.
- provide students with specialised teacher instruction and ensuring equitable teacher and learning opportunities.
Computer education is fully integrated into the curriculum. Specific computer skills are taught in the context of topics or themes being studied in the class. A cybersafety program is implemented to inform, educate and empower students in their critical thinking with technology devices. All students have their own email account that also provides access to the Internet at school. The Department of Education and Training (DET) monitors and controls access to non educational sites to protect the students from undesirable material. Students can access their internet emailing account from home by clicking on student links and then selecting portal.