At Earlwood Public School we are committed to ensuring every student and teacher is inspired, challenged to learn and continually improve in a respectful, inclusive and supportive environment.
Teachers, parents and students work in partnership towards school excellence to maintain high expectations and develop responsible, engaged and successful learners who are known, valued and cared for.
Earlwood Public School brings together students, parents and staff from diverse backgrounds, to live in a supportive, stimulating and harmonious environment.
Value statements
- Students will work co-operatively with each other, respecting the beliefs and opinions of others to achieve personal or common goals.
- Staff will work co-operatively with each other, students and the community to provide the best learning environment possible, through communication, values, within a harmonious environment.
- Parents/community will work co-operatively with staff whilst showing respect and appreciation for the staff expertise, experience and professionalism.
- Students will play and work together, considering the feelings of others.
- Staff will create a safe, positive learning environment where all members of the school community are valued and feel cared for and supported.
- Parents/community will feel confident that their child is cared for, intellectually, emotionally and physically.
- Students will display good manners and caring attitude to all people at all times tolerating personal differences.
- Staff will form genuine partnerships with students, staff and parents through appreciating and understanding their various roles.
- Parents/community will feel valued and accepted as part of a team.

- Students will feel a sense of pride and belonging, displaying fairness and honesty in their interactions.
- Staff will display a professional and unified approach in all aspects of school, through consistency and fairness.
- Parents/community will acknowledge teacher professionalism and trust staff expertise.
Personal best
- Students will always try to do their best, by taking an active role in a variety of school activities. They will exhibit confidence, take risks and create new challenges, taking pride in all areas of their learning and social development.
- Staff will continually grow as professionals, providing motivation and effective learning experiences to develop students' individual achievement. Staff will feel confident and competent in their teaching role.
- Parents/community will have a realistic expectation of the school and their children's abilities. They will take an active role in the school's decision-making process and feel valued as an important part of the school community.
- Students will show consideration and respect for others in the school and wider community.
- Staff will model and foster consideration, respect and self worth in the school and wider community.
- Parents/community will support, model and encourage respect, consideration and self-worth in the home and wider community.